
Julie & Julia

Can you beleive it´s taken all these months for Julie&Julia to finally be released here? I haven´t waited so breathlessly for a movie since Return of the Jedi.
I loved it, of course, but I feel I must warn all viewers in Spain to watch it in English, because the voice over is a bit of a massacre. And also to watch a video of the real Julia Child (totally unknown in Spain before the movie), or they will come away thinking that Meryl Streep was on something stronger than butter.
And the bonus? This is the video I watched, and I tried the method tonight and got it perfect straight away. Magic omelette. Viva Julia.

4 comentarios:

M? dijo...

Yes I agree with doing some background research before watching the movie!

Loved Julia Child's enthusiasm for all things food and cooking- was so entertaining to watch Meryl Streep's portrayal!

LE BLOG dijo...

jejeje...por fín la viste!!! La Streep está estupenda verdad? Y es verdad que ha tardado, cuándo se ha estrenado por fín? Octubre o Noviembre? Anda que desde agosto que la ví yo ya les vale...

asma dijo...

I'm so waiting for it to come online too .. heheh :)

Havent found yet .. Sigh

lobstersquad dijo...

M´s nemesis: I loved, it was a lot of fun, really.
Le blog: ya te digo, meses hemos tardado
Asma: you´ll like it I´m sure
